Good Remedies For Treating a Cold |
Date Added: March 21, 2020 11:50:15 PM |
Author: Healthigg |
Category: Resources |
Sometimes It can be tough to escape that shivery feeling that happens if you get too cold. A good immediate remedy for this is to wrap yourself up in a douvet and stick a hairdryer up it, (making sure the air flow is not restricted) until you feel warmed up.
Colds are the body's escape mechanism. When the whole system is overloaded it crashes. The body stresses out and the immune system drops its threshold. Pay attention to what the body is saying because an unchecked cold can become a lot more serious if you keep it buried.
If You are one of those people who could tell when you have a cold coming on, and it may be stopped, or at least minimised, in many ways. Firstly, rest is important. There's absolutely no way that your body is going to self-heal in a stressful situation. If you need to work, take it easy or delegate a little more. Lemon juice, rose hips, parsley (not if you are pregnant) and fresh orange all contain vitamin C, so choose them.
Some colds can Actually be completely stopped dead by gently sniffing a mixture of lemon juice and warm water up the nose, even if you're brave enough. Pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds contain zinc that's important in cold prevention so take some of those. Otherwise its time to sweat those built up toxins right out through skin. Then boil a large onion in milk for an hour, eat it, and drink the milk. Follow with a spoonful of lemon juice, honey, cinnamon and grated ginger which will stimulate circulation and perspiration. Enjoy it in a mustard footbath which will also warm the blood - use multiple and layered remedies and take them as an opportunity to treat yourself.
Tsp. Yellow powder mustard and one of household soda (if you have hard Water) and put them in a deep bowl with some water as hot as you can stand. Keep your feet and lower legs for Approximately ten minutes, topping Dry off, put on thick Socks and climb into a freshly warmed bed, the sooner the better.